
Can we be friends?

can we be friends?

a question I ask myself daily

as you continue to try and build bridges

to try and make amends


you still have not apologised 

For all of the wrongs you did 

but expect forgiveness from me non the less


you tell me I need to date again

but how can I when such a large part of me

still belongs to you


you say you want me to be happy

to meet someone who deserves me

treats me the way you should’ve


i only question why you didnt

if you know that you should’ve done it differently

you should’ve given as much as you took from me


Because I was so hopelessly devoted to you. To us

And now all I have is a flimsy friendship 

one I know I can’t maintain 


i cant talk about all of the interests we shared 

when every night you’ll have her 

I can’t be your friend and watch you love her 

to watch you smile down at her

i wish it was me.


because it should’ve been me

and I still don’t understand what I did wrong

to make you hurt me the way you did


I admit I wasn’t perfect

but I tried so hard to be, for you 

Our relationship was based on one lover



and that ultimately is what lead to our demise

we had both accepted you had the upper hand

that the ball was always in your court


because I was the girl who gave more than she got

love and care that is

While you gave the bare minimum 


my only wish is that you never do it again

never lie and say you love somebody

not to someone who genuinely cares

let her run free and wild to the man who is her equal 

and do not burn out the fire in her eyes

like you did to me so few months ago


hold the one you love tightly

love her fiercely and don’t let her go 

because to watch her leave you 

will destroy you. 



