
Reborn Unto The New Year

Worn, tattered hearts continue beating as one

As the piercing rain crashes upon the ground

From the dark looming shade consuming the sun

And against the rush of silence- they dare to make a sound


Once pawns, laid out upon a checkered board

Set to oppose by invisible lines put by devious lies

Corrupt rulers prospering as peasants warred

Misled by internal fractures and broken ties

All while the few laughed from above


Nearly a sorrowful tale of blind ignorance

Until truth was found within ash-covered embers

A single unity to break past all difference

A single foe on which to unleash a final wrath

A single battle worth being remembered


Fuse sparked and Time had begun to slip away

The elite sent out hatred and apathy upon hearts and ears

The people massed together to pave a path to a new day

Forced to confront festering doubts and blooming fears


The lion pride revolts against the wake of vultures

Against corruption, Against lies, Against hate

People of every color, religion, gender brought together beyond cultures

For freedom, they are no longer willing to wait


Cutting spending on social services and environmental policies to clear the way for those who could afford it

Slashing taxes for a few, regulations for the mighty, any protections for those who dare to speak

Raining fire upon ruins with a boastful shout, painting the future many shades of bleak




Rising from those flames is a smoke

Seething with passion at every cruel act

Within every heart beating as one, a beast awoke

Beneath the piercing rain and dark looming shade

Emerged from the checkered board

Against the rush of silence they now dared to make a sound


And begin a war

Fought not with guns and steel

But with what matters and with what’s truly real

The song of every forgotten soul

Wailing through deadly night

Seeking to penetrate the veil and release light

How long?

How long will they be forced to sing?

How long will they sing to deaf ears?

How long will we sing to deaf ears?


Now begins the new year

And unto it, we must be reborn