Michael J. Schaeffer




The Day Continues, as the Years Go By. It\'s like a Skip to a Record. A Beat, A Kick, A Sound that You Hear From Electricity, Uproar and a Voice that Screams Deliberately into the Wind Tonight. A Master to a Sergeant. Guns Bang as the Muzzles Flash. A Trace of Red Heat. The Hot Sun, Her Moon, Her Wind and the Animals Cry a Song to Her Indian Colored Skin. The Snow is Cold and the Winter is just a Season in the Year. Every Year and Jack and Lilly are to a Bell that is Not Suited for ringing. But the Unicorns are Still the Mystical Creatures of Power that only Evil would Hunger Continuous For. Down with the Green Goblins that Hunt. They are the Devils Misfits Slaves. As We Dance, Skip and Trot to the Warmth of Sunlight. Snow White. The Snow White Queen. The Unicorns and Lilly are in the Hasty Winter that is Cold, but They are all Still Good. Her Moon, Her Wind and Her Fire are all still Visible in the Darkness as Her Indian Moon Blooms to Sunlight. Her Night after Night...
