Aa Harvey





I want to mean something to somebody.

I want somebody to care.

I want to be able to dance under a disco ball with somebody,

Whilst pretending that nobody else is there.



Love is my purpose and poems are my wares.

All I have is for sale, to anyone who is willing to pretend to care.

Wishing for a change of fortune,

Finding out that nothing ever changes.

Everything remains the same, unfortunately;

Jigsaw puzzle mind…

I must rearrange it.



The order of the things;

The way things must be done.

You have taken my voice and ruined the joy of singing;

Can I please just have a little more fun?



It’s funny really, this reality.

Painful memories, I throw away with my apathy.

Embrace all new experiences.

I am worthless, without your guidance.



I write words down in the hope that somebody will read it

And understand what I mean, when I am sounding so mean.

I am sorry;

I did not mean for it to change your idea of me.

I guess I just say the wrong thing.



Let us build a bridge between us;

Communication is the key.



(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.