
Victorious Visitation

Tune: Was Lebet, Was Shwebet

(\'O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness\')

Matthew 2 v.1-12 parts


From the east came wise men

Did look for the Christ-child then

They did hear words of prophecy again

That you Bethlehem small

From there the Lord one would call

To be Governor, Ruler over all


He would rule God\'s people

His reign be o\'er Israel

And message for Jews and Gentiles to tell

That He would Saviour be

Coming to us, to set free

All shall adore Him, to Him bend the knee


The wise men star followed

It hovered o\'er ground hallowed

For \'twas at place where young Christ-child abode

Their rejoicing was great

They found holy place not late

Exceeding great joy theirs, high celebrate (celebration)


To young child with parents

Mary and Joseph\'s presence

They to Jesus gave gifts, gold, frankincense

And myrrh, precious treasures

Worshipping Him, great pleasures

Their desires fulfilled with firm endeavours