Michael J. Schaeffer




Incredible as it Might Sound You have Hypnotized Me. Already Through Many Physical Ways. Your Heart and Soul are within the Air. Hearing Your Thoughts, Your Questions and Your Answers within My Mind. They are Safe to Hear and Contain. They are Locked in Me. Your Thoughts, Your Questions and Your Answers are in My Heart, My Soul and My Mind. I will Not Let Them Go. Incredible You Are. Hypnotizing Me in the Heart and in My Soul. I don\'t Mind... Your Not a Scar. You are Not a Bruise or a Cut on My Forehead or Arm. Physically Looking into Your Eyes and Your Colored Hair is Shocking. As I Look onto You. All the Colored Rings, Moons and Star Systems that only You can be Compared to My Young Doll. The Systems will Dance and the Planets will Orbit just Right on Your Birthday as Your Children Skip and Laugh as the Galaxies within the Universe Spell Out Kiss and Throw Off Your Colors from Your Hair in Sparks and Dust. I Shall Continue My Personal Deranged March. Tired. Worn. Confused. But I Love to Hear You at Night and in the Day. Your a Petite Physical Brush and You are Utmost and Hypnotizing My Delicate Miss with a Touch...
