
Praise the Glue

I just want praise,

Does that make me shallow?

For wanting someone to notice that my existence is actually substantial?


At my job once I got praise,

I raised almost 3,000 dollars to the local food bank,

I know I should of been happy for helping hungry people,

I mean I was,

Still am,

But I was more thrilled on the fact that someone was proud,


I don\'t get much praise at home,

Even though I am the glue that is keeping this family\'s foundation together,

I know I am the glue that holds this apartment\'s walls sealed,

The door that keeps the food in the fridge,

And the zipper that keeps the money in the wallet,


I know I am important,

But does anyone else?


I know I am important, 

Does that make me shallow?

That I want everyone else to believe I am important?

That when I fade I want to be remembered,

Remembered for impacting lives in a positive way?


I just want praise,

For still being here,

Even though I\'m not sure I want to be,

But I know I need to be, 

Because I am the foundation that holds my family together,


I just want praise,

Is that too much for the glue to ask?