Tune: Dix (Kocher)
(\'As with gladness men of old\')
Psalm 85 v.7-8
Show us, O LORD, your mercy
Grant us your salvation, we
Shall hear what you LORD will speak
To those open, humble, meek
For He will speak to us peace
But let us from folly cease
Psalm 86 v.5
For you Lord are good, ready
To forgive, your grace we see
Plenteous in mercy you
Be to us, you us renew
Each who does upon you call
You will bless and keep them all
Psalm 86 v.9
All nations who you have made
Shall come to you unafraid
Though not without godly fear
Shall worship you, know you near
They shall honour, glorify
And to your presence draw nigh
Psalm 87 v.5
Of Zion it shall be said
The LORD is there, He their Head
It shall be said that each one
Was born in Zion, bar none
For this be their named home town
Full of grace, honour, renown
Psalm 89 v.6
For who in heaven can be
Compared unto the LORD, see?
Who among the mighty ones
Any daughters, any sons?
No, none greater than Him for
He Almighty LORD e\'ermore
Psalm 89 v.14
Justice and judgement abide
At your throne they do reside
And proceed from there, for true
Be your ways, you us renew
Mercy and truth they shall go
Before your face, righteous show