Tune: Morning Star (Harding)
(\'Brightest and best of the sons of the morning\')
Matthew 2 v.1-11
There as a young child in house you revealéd
To the wise men, by a star they were led
Exceeding joyful and high exaltation
They saw you there, Lord of every nation
Precious gifts they there to you then presented
As lowly there they bowed to you, worshipped
Treasures of gold, myrrh, frankincense, high value
Given in gratitude all unto you
Epiphany light shine bright in hearts daily
That others Christ in us true they shall see
Be led to worship you, humbly repenting
Forgiveness, eternal life you do bring
For Bethlehem, \'tis small in land of Judah
But from there prophecies fulfilments stir
For from there would a Governor come forth, rule
God\'s people Israel, He Lord over all