The Last Appeal

Father God, as about I go,

My heart breaks for what this nation sows

As blinder and blinder our eyes see Your ways,

More and more, we number our own days

Unto ourselves, we are bringing deserved affliction,

As we refuse mercy, between man and God grows the friction

Yet Your anger is deserved, justified and pure,

Apart from You, we cannot long endure

Which is why, Father, I make my appeal;

Your anger and wrath, please conceal.

Lead this nation back to You by Your mercy and grace

Give Your servants here wisdom to make Your case

Spare us once more that we might again serve Who is perfect, good and true

Father, hear the desperate prayer of a servant who knows there is no hope away from You

I understand and I see how we as a nation from You have strayed,

So I know that judgement has been deserved, written, and only by Your grace and mercy delayed

I know if we got what we deserved, we would be a land in flames and pain,

I cannot fathom how you deem it well that mercy and not fire should rain

But against what we have earned, You have showed not Your righteous anger, but compassion

Though Your righteous anger is warranted by our worldly action

So Father, understand I make my request in such urgency and with such passion not because in Your mercy I doubt-

For that our country still stands is reason to praises forever shout-

But that I make my request in such urgency and with such passion because I fear what we deserve

And that the fruits of our sins are already growing, yet Your mercy is in abundance, Your anger held in reserve

We already are reaping what we have sown,

Bringing Your anger on our own

Yet You hold back, sparing us for that much more time,

Your punishment is hence far beneath the crime

So, Father, understand my petition;

Give Your people time to fulfill Your mission