
Think Spring!

Now, unlike my usually trenchant literary librettos, i regale the unknown (tum me) reader for savoir faire articulation, elocution, and indomitable tour de force proffered by spectrum of bounteous expropriated hegemony rightful to Mother Nature.  -------------------------------------------------------- A Place Revisited Within The Mind (an illusory escape during dead of winter).   The shafts of a golden veil, spring sun at noon break through the heavily coated overgrowth of leafy foliage and cause shadows spar upon forest floor.   In a field of wild a mosaic of crystalline color from prismatic play of sunshine upon the silently talking heads of the swaying stalks.   the scintillating and sparkling rays in unison with the weft (and warp across an invisible loom) weaves a delicious tasting warm breeze,   (which sways the boughs of treetops to and fro, akin to an unseen baby being cradled) brings a ladled spate of cool freshness from the map-cap world (webbed wide) of a manmade existence.   The grandeur of the fallow spring meadow a pageant of exquisite dignity by the graceful movements from the un-choreographed fall and rise of the unplowed acres   eyes orbit, ear re: Canal, and twitching nostrils of sensate beings to the mellifluous sounds and sweet smelling aromas that gently teasingly assault the senses beguiling the sight,   and lulling ears into a transcendent state. A buoyant airy tonal plume rises into the surrounding heights touches the breadth of cerulean sky and scythe lent lee gently tumbles back down like a merry widow waltzing flowery water fall.   In quiet circumspection  the antics sans plethora of buzzfeed ding busily buzzing foraging insects, which contentedly hum and alight nearby   flitting to and fro oblivious to plaudits encore harmoniously thriving  within the living laboratory   of Mother Nature, sans, Insects or Insecta are by far count as the largest group of hexapod invertebrates within the arthropod phylum,   where simultaneously underneath the earthen surface the ground tis abustle with glorious heart throb   of one micro universe comprising architects, builders and weavers engage in all manner of natural devices for a livelihood.   This brilliant splendor tantamount to top notch operatic performance, a sensational visual and audiological feast hypnotizing one humble human (me) into an inebriated state of bliss.