
bad girls who do bad things

I\'m a bad girl who does bad things.
I stay out till 3am
And I can
Whisky down, spirit up; 
I\'m in love with the way
The world spins, 
Oh, so sickening.
It\'s riveting
How the clock seems to stop ticking.

I\'m a bad girl who does bad things.
Touch me all you want; 
I\'m used to it. 
He was as drunk as I was young - 
A little silver tea spoon
In the pallid light of 
A hollow moon.
I\'m only lucky he 
Gave up so soon.

I\'m a bad girl who does bad things. 
I\'ve become accustomed
To taking the blame. 
Every tear, every stain 
That taints my mother\'s pillow case. 
I\'ll take the shouting,
Take the pain. 
I promise I\'ll never be bad again.