


(c) 2018 Edward York


I think back when I was just a teen,

Things were different then.

I will tell you of the changes,

If I can figure where to begin.


We had no home computer,

There was no internet.

We didn\'t have a cell phone,

They weren\'t invented yet.


There was no music streaming,

A radio would have to do;

Though we did have vinyl records,

That we could listen to.


We couldn\'t post a comment,

And our parents might get a call,

If it had been discovered,

That we wrote on someone\'s wall.


We met our friends in person,

Driving around would be just fine,

Of course gasoline could be purchased,

For twenty eight point nine.


Some changes have been massive,

Many things have now all gone,

We no longer go into a booth,

Just to use a phone.