Ariel Perez

Forgetful memories

Forgetful memories


Remember the day we left for school?

How the rain felt running down our face

Don\'t you remember??

Remember when mom sang us a lullaby to help us sleep??

But now you stay up all night and binge eat

Don\'t you remember??

Remember how it felt to hear mom cry because nothing felt right

How she cried because you were out all night??

Don\'t you remember??

Remember when dad used to make mom upset 

All because you done your idiotic mistake??

Don\'t you remember how much mom would take??

How much she would take, just for the pain of ours to go away

The pain of all her troubling memories

Why don\'t you remember??

Is it because you have your precious new plans??

Is it because your stuck in your own life problems now?

Do you forget??

Do you forget to check on the mother who used to scare the boogie man away??

All for you to sleep

But now she\'s the one who doesn\'t sleep a peep

Do you remember??

How could you forget??

We are growing up as she keeps being told

Her feelings are now lost in oblivion because no one would listen

Do you remember?

Mom waiting at home wondering if you are safe

You forgetting to tell her where you are 

or how you\'ve been

But let me know..

Do you remember now??


-Ariel A. Perez