
Shady Dayz

Shady Days



All avenues used to dupe and conceal

Every day it’s a smaller fair playing field

Through the minefield we cross every day

Heeding each step with a feeling of dismay



Attracting us their way with an enticing hint

Get bent over for neglecting the fine print

All their claims are grossly overstated

Shameful practices carry forward un-abated



Personnel data lost through their operation

No acceptance of guilt, just complete exoneration

Shady marketing loves the foolish and naïve

Everything is designed to distract and deceive



Using Complicated language to baffle and confuse

There’s no end to the sleazy things they will do

Keep your head on a swivel so you don’t get burned

Every day there is a shitty new racket to be learned





The shady daze we live in, cruel and cold hearted

The gullible and their money will always be parted

Shylock practices used each and every day

Has the world totally abandoned fair play?