
Redemption Rememberings

Tune: Divine Mysteries

(\'Sweet sacrament divine\')


Come to Communion feast

Come, greatest unto least

For bread and wine here shared

I access unimpaired

For Christ has bid each one unto

His table, to taste fresh, anew

These token of His love

Teach us, O Spirit, dove


Teach us, that here we see

Displayed this mystery

Christ\'s body in the bread

Symbol, crucified, dead

Yet on the third day rose again

Salvation free unto all men

And wine, Christ\'s body shed

Symbol, for us He bled


Rich food, spiritual

Enough to suffice all

Sacrifice, offering

His own self did He bring

To pay the price for all our sin

To forgive and to cleanse within

Granting life eternal

To all who on Him call


This be our sustenance

No repeat, only once

He hung upon the cross

Came to redeem our loss

So in fair common-union

In fellowship with Christ the Son

Peace now with God and man

Lifted the curse and ban


You meet our deepest needs

Your loving presence leads

Us unto pastures green

Verdant, not barren, mean

O help us in our weakness, see

We all dependent on you be

You our guide e\'er you be

Throughout eternity