Accidental Poet

Love’s Poetic Dance

Love’s Poetic Dance


I’m feeling

In a somber mood tonight

Just contemplating thoughts

 In the dim shadows of light


Thoughts that race around

In circles inside my head

Until the early morning hours

While lying awake in bed


Questions of what to do

And answers of why

Decisions that hold their ground

Without drifting off to the sky


I’m a simple man

Or so I thought

Till one day I realized

Of that I’m not


All of the complexities

Inside the human heart

Love is the most needed

From the very start


If I live to be

One hundred years old

What good have I done

If my love has gone cold


I once was told I didn’t know

The meaning of love

By a heart that was so cold

And now love’s meaning I know of


For love is in your spirit

Every night and day

In how you live your life

A bright cheerful way


For love of family

And love of romance

Blessed you are when you see

Love’s poetic dance


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2018