WL Schuett


Obsessing the obvious, 

riding the winds formal haunt . 

Stepping sideways across the 

alibi of dawn . 

The nearness of morning weeps 

On blossoming cherries. 

Feeling slated and slightly weak . 

Sad eyed conversations. 


Trying to to find her level ground 

seeing the big picture 

through the smallest details.

Knowing there was no alibi . 

Just having to learn to live with the  truth 

through misty waves of planetary storms . 

Her thick socks soundless on the hard boards . 


Secrets from the Elder’s age 

the thief of dawn 

past a narly oak .

Speculating on Arabian horse

carrier alibis . 

Washing morning from her feet . 

Prancing horses , 

sad brown eyes 

on the move . 


She slept with the window 

cracked open and 

awoke to a gentle rain . 

She pulled up the covers and curled,

but finally woke to the soothing 

sounds of birds . 

Her alibi was broken by 

soft conversations 

about art poems 

with elusive meanings . 

The Coyotes alibi 

stretches the dawn .