Tune: Cranbrook
(one tune to \'O for a thousand tongues to sing\')
Also known as \'On Ilkley Moor Bah \'tat!\'
Lines are repeated as shown
O with a thousand poems sing
Every one them bring
To Him, Lord of Lords, King of Kings (x2)
Ascend on worship\'s wings (x3)
Millions of angels round your throne
They all your Lordship own
Giving you glory, praise and power (x2)
You rule o\'er all each hour (x3)
There shall be countless praise e\'ermore
And all from shore to shore
At Rapture they shall bend the knee (x2)
And confess Jesus, see (x3)
Shall confess Him as Lord always
Even to endless days
High triumph raise and victory (x2)
Eternal glories be (x3)
Make voice of His praise to be heard
Proclaim His living word
\'Til every soul salvation knows (x2)
And in His image grows (x3)
What can we give, our tribute small
To Him the Lord of all
He Almighty and infinite (x2)
Source of perpetual ight (x3)