
Prosperous Plans - Good News Series - 3

Tune: Fulda

(\'We have a gospel to proclaim\')

Genesis Chapters 12, 15, 17 parts


Word to Abram, it was sure told

Leave your country, people, household

Go to a land, the Lord will show

You, as you journey you shall know


I will bless you, the Lord He said

Here in His word, promises read

The Lord would make Abram\'s name great

Blessings would be family trait


Covenant the Lord with Him made

Fear not, trust me, be unafraid

Your name not Abram now, but be

Abraham, father of nations, see


In his children, his seed, shall all

Nations of earth be blessed, for call

Of the Lord did Abraham hear

Obeyed God\'\'s voice with lowly fear


In hope believing while there none

Children, not even be one son

But he God\'s promises believed

He, Sarah, family received