



I can scarcely find the words to emulate the way I feel, so maybe my actions can explain it clearer.


Woodwick candles, tea gone chill- almost as cold as my toes are since I lost my socks in bed somewhere,

Where I still am, in bed.


I pour a new mug of tea for dinner, just that, because my stomach can’t be more full than my heart.

This evening:

Write a thousand poems and throw all but one away, I moved to my computer desk and on the way my pants got lost,

Lost where I am, here at home.


I put out my candles and at the same time the fire in my heart goes out and numbness overcomes me,


Meaningless snapchat stories that lead to meaningless men in my dm’s, dim the lights,

Lights give headaches, tea can’t cure.


A new cup of tea is on my night stand along with a vinyl that’s spinning even though I can’t hear the music anymore,


I found my socks and some sweat pants, then I’m lingering over a stack of journals with the pages all coated in tears,

Tears fill my teacup, I’m secretly lonely.