
Be yourself

You want to be loved by the world
But you can’t even love yourself
You told a lie for people to like you
But you told the truth to lose your best friend
The one that accepts you for who you are
We all are not perfect
You’d never had to lie to be my friend
Imperfections exist
No one is perfect
I miss talking to you
But the past cannot change
To be like others does not bring the beauty out inside you
Being different does
Give up what you are for what you will become
People love to try to fit in with the world,
want to be loved by everybody
Trust me, I know
We all want to be accepted by the world.
We want to be liked by everyone.
But deep down, you just have to embrace who you are
be proud of being different and your very unique product.
Only true friends will accept who you are
And honestly, I was one of those people.
Unlike people who liked you towards the person you despised
I loved the person who you hated
I loved you just the way you was.