

I am a world split in two. Through labels given and created
by myself,
by society.
Some real, some grown.

One label when spoken
electrical buzz
metallic taste.

My story, resonates.
A girl with curious friends sees her past melt into a new life, where perhaps the grandchildren will say that label and hear the wondrous journey she lived?
Loved and lost.

I say the label
I am not the label

To teach.

If that label makes me feel uncomfortable then does it you?
Is that wrong? Are you afraid?
I want to show you and me that I am one; am not one.

Don\'t be afraid of labels, be afraid of your perception towards them-for they bring injustice.

My father warned me,
as he wanted to warn his younger self
be wary.

But my nature, despite my experiences, is to teach through openness -
pain & unease.

I am those labels through society, I am also not those labels
I don\'t feel I am them.

All I know is that I am my experiences, that I care, I love, I judge - try not to; anger - try to use it wisely for others.

I am striving for the good of this

sister, daughter, partner, friend, colleague, teacher, auntie, cousin, British citizen, Bosnian, European, Christian/ Muslim


human, soul ❤️