I am from
a broken home
two warms homes
is where my blood flows
once living with mom
so far away
then finding my
Sweet Home Alabama
with dad
I am from
all innocence being taken away
from a man with evil plans
I am from
praying he’d never
walk in my room again
I am from
having it happen
over and over
I am from
letting rape define
me as a person
for to many years
I am from
blaming myself
maybe if you
didn’t wear that
maybe you made him
thoughts I had
nine years of age
“God how could this
Happen to me?”
I am from
not telling mom or dad
why depression was so bad
I am from
finally telling dad what happened
so many years ago he simply said
“Do you know what rape is?”
yes I know it’s a part of
but let’s make some things clear
that is not all
I am from
finding a way to ease the pain
I am from
finding a way to let forgiveness
fill my heart
I am from
NOT allowing myself
to be victimized anymore
I am from
trusting God because
he has Not forsaken me
I am from
being lost to being saved
all because of
God and his amazing grace
I am from
finding my dearest friend
the one I know
knows all the trails I have
I am from
learning to love myself
I am from
“How could God do this to me?”
I am from
excepting the fact it makes
me who I am
I am from
Growing to be a woman
I can be proud of
I am from