
Leave the Lights On


Why don’t you leave the light on
When I’ll be coming home
It’s 3 minutes passed curfew
“Key’s in the garden gnome”

The door is locked not once, but twice
The tv’s blank and off
All you hear are some squeaky mice
Or maybe someone cough?

I walk through the dark unguided
No one to say hello
I lay in bed, stomach in my head
Then drown in the pillow

The next night i came around to see
The light was on at last!
Still 3 minutes passed 10 and then
I let out quite the gasp

The door unlocked, I jumped right in
The house was FULLY LIT
They finally said hello to me
But then... my heart was split

8 realized then it wasn’t for me
I turned around and saw
Someone else walking through that door The only conclusion i could draw...

Was that I wasn’t important
Why follow these dumb rules
I’m never home, I’ll just leave it alone
And I’m always late for school

Because why care when there’s no one’s there
That gives a care them self
Just look good on paper hon,
For an award sitting on their shelf