
Resurrection Rejoicings - Good News Series - 8

Tune: St George\'s, Windsor

(\'Come, ye thankful people, come\')

1 Corinthians Chapter 15 part


Resurrection hope we share

By God\'s grace, it true and fair

For since by man, by Adam

Death to all humans did come

But by Jesus, a man too

Came the resurrection new

All in Him shall all be made

Alive, His life price has paid


Christ died for our sins, He paid

The price, atonement He made

And was buried, rose again

On the third day was viewed then

All in accord with Scriptures

Not in fantasy ventures

But in truth, historically

Full human, full divine He


So not vain our faith, our hope

Not in darkness do we grope

For light of life, He has shone

Sins be forgiven and gone

Holding to Christ through our life

In joys, sorrows, calm, and strife

Raised with Him we sure shall be

And shall Him eternal see


Gathered in souls harvest we

Shall know liberty and see

Christ has made for us a way

Unto everlasting day

It shall come to pass, saying

Where grave\'s victory, where death\'s sting?

Death swallowed up, victory

From sin\'s sting, curse, we made free