

i cant believe i met a guy like you.

someone who can be there if i need it

and i hope ill be there when you do too.

when your gone i will miss you dearly,

maybe we will meet again.

maybe you will see me and say there\'s that girl,

i remember her.

maybe you wont remember my name

or what i look like, maybe ill remember you.

maybe you will be in my memory everyday,

or just once in a while. 

Maybe ill be like where when how will i see that boy,

the one i talk about to my friends.

maybe ill remember your gmail and text later in life,

maybe you will not remember my gmail name either.

or ill make a different account, you don\'t know.

I hope im in your thoughts night and day.

i hope you will remember the one girl who

used to text daily, the girl who adores you all

because you where there.

hopefully  we will meet and

we will  exchange a few words.

i love you and i feel special when i text you.

but maybe you will have a girl

have a family and not care.

Maybe you will not like me.

Maybe you will recognize but pass me.

I hope you don\'t.

Maybe maybe maybe is all i think of.