
They say

They say they care.

They say they are here for me.

But where are they.

These are the same people who I don\'t hear from for months.

Come to think of it the only time I hear from them is when I contact them.

Ain\'t that some shit.

I must admit.

I can\' hide these feelings deep down much longer.

As much as I say the feeling are gone it\' a bunch of bull.

They have never left.

They will always be there.

If you can\' admit that then you are lying to yourself.

Trust me I\'m not the only one out there who thinks this way.

There\'s a whole country out there who feel the same way but won\' admit it.

They try to live with it.

Start to feel some type of way.

That\'s when you start thinking crazy.

Question if it\'s all worth it?

Maybe it will be better if I\'m gone?

Who would care?

Trust me I\'m speakin on experience.

Someone who\'s battled depression.

Been to Pinerest.

Been medicated.

Even been evaluated.

Some real words right here.

As I pour my heart out on every line.

Be aware of the signs.

Don\' be afraid to speak up and be heard.

Let someone know what\'s goin on.

We all go through stuff like this a time or two in our lives.

Don\'t give up.

Be strong.
