Fay Slimm.






I watched dawn erase ink-black as today appeared
trailing a blaze of brave spirit over waking Fowey.

From my window in Old Ferry Inn I saw light break
cover and flood all inlets in morning\'s liquid glow.

Awash under sun-rise the estuary fisher-folk button
up jackets and gulping breakfast unshackle boats.

Sewn nets at the ready, fresh catch takes effort for 
this menu-proud village showing seafood devotion.

Granite-thick cottage walls give unbeaten defiance
at nearness to thrash from wild waves of ocean.

River\'s flat ripple belies next tidal change for rage
of invasion can hole slate as gale rips out stone.

Tenacious the hold by a seafaring people to cope
with an ocean\'s precociously moody explosions.

Earned is my meant admiration that urges return  
to this place of bravery intent on saving homes.