
Some Mornings

Some mornings,
I just want to stay in bed.
Hitting snooze on my alarm
I really should be up instead!
Finally I roll out, coffee in hand.
I’m out the door, and on my way.
Still I feel, this morning dread
Hmm, I could just turn around and climb back into bed?
NO! NO! Screams that voice in my mind.
Keep moving forward, and face the day.
Stop running to your bed,
And hiding away!
These negative thoughts,
You never will change,
If you spend all your time
Alone in a cage.
Lift up your head, seek life’s beauty,
And it shall be found.
You certainly won’t find it,
With eyes still cast down.
Prick up your ears, so you can hear the breeze humming your favorite song.
Suddenly, you find your self sporting a smile.
You stride with a strut, over each passing mile.
Now you are dancing, to the winds jazzy song.
Now, mornings dread ,
At last, has lifted,
Those negative thoughts,
Are completely gone!