
You have to imagine.
When she’s 258 miles away,
You have to imagine.
To keep yourself from going crazy,
You have to imagine.

She’s there.
Next to you, scratching your head,
She’s there.
Kissing your cheek and laughing,
She’s there.

You can feel her.
Safe in your arms, safe from all,
You can feel her.
Radiating warmth and love,
You can feel her.

She’s yours.
Even from 258 miles away,
She’s yours.
Not knowing how you need her,
She’s yours.

And so you wait for her
Because she’s worth the wait,
Because she’s everything,
Because you love her,
And your future lies
In her infinitely deep, chocolate eyes
And the 258 miles
Don’t seem to matter anymore
Because she loves you
And what else matters?