Andrew Guzaldo


Within our souls we discovered, 
Each other, 
In the fever of such an occasion,
As our fervor blazes on,
As our tongues pummel to excavate, 

Unearthing the burrow of our feelings, 
To touch and hold,
As the invisible boundaries between us, 
Are no more?

Enthralling me with sudden desperation,
Squeezing each other just enough to, 
Lethargic our eupnea,
As we are subdued by incalescence, 
Of ecstasy,

As expectations of red hot feeling arise,
At this juncture our souls slip away,
Into an eclipse asphyxiated into, 
Another dimension,

Distending every fiber of our beings,
Into a captivating moment of pleasure,
With a passion so strong it is scorching,
Once more the flame grows,

Just then Passion overbears us,
As we tremble in a moment lips clinging
Arms steadfastly hugs persist,   
As our souls depart in euphoric elation,

Prolonged for that last moment of,
Ardor passing what seems to be our, 
Lifeless bodies,
As it synchronously constraints us,

The fiery searing subsides,
We feel this need ever stronger,
To pursue our SWELTERING LOVE,