
Never Me

Do you even want to be with me

It\'s okay if you don\'t 

I\'ll understand

I\'m not saying I won\'t be upset or hurt 

But I\'d rather be upset and move on then buy in to a lie for who knows how long

Every time you see a friend you run and hug them

You talk for what seems like hours

While I fade into the background

In to nothing...

Every time you see me you give me that half hearted fake smile and ask I\'m ready for to go to class

Why is that

Why is it always straight to class

Perhaps because you make very little effort to see me anywhere else besides school

You hesitate to grab my hand before speed walking down the hall

We don\'t stop and talk

\"I never have time\" is what you tell me

Yet when you see someone who isn\'t me you suddenly have all the time in the world

When you are with them you are going nowhere

When you are with me you are always going somewhere

Always doing something

Looking for something



Never Me..