
Final Flight

Leaves quietly abandoning

Their birthplaces on a branch

In the autumn of their lives

Dancing through the air

Towards a predetermined

Future of decay and renewal


Birds collecting in amazing flocks

Getting ready with much noise

To leave behind this summer’s

Nesting places, feeding grounds

And birth places of their young

Charting familiar routes south


For us, the autumn of our lives

Is a very special time

Filled with memories of yore

Introspective times when

Time slows down opening up

Pathways into our hearts and minds


Teaching us what is important and

What does not matter at all

Helping us to see the good

To appreciate ourselves and others

Making us grateful for every minute

We were allowed to be in the light


And like the leaves we will one day

Begin our dance towards finality

Like the birds we will get ready

To leave everything behind

And take off with great fanfare

On our last and final flight