
Help Me Lord.

My heartache is unceasing,

My loved one is with me in body,

But not in mind.

Why do you do this Lord?

All her life she has been here for you,

Praising you with her prayers,

Praising you with her singing,

But now she is different.

You have taken her life from her,

Is this a punishment?

If so, for what?

Not an unkind thought in her,

But now her thoughts are confused.

The smile is still there,

The love for me is still there,

But the woman and lover that I knew

Has disappeared,

Disappeared into her own world.

Why Lord, why?

I pray all the time for her

But she is still the same.

My Faith is strong but being tried,

Am I right in being Faithful?

Help me Lord,

Please help me.