dusk arising


what had we done
where was it written we should behold unto you
you dont walk among us
we gave to you our hopes and dreams
and quietly you betrayed us

oh your many faces
smilng for the lens and promise us tomorrow
though never seen among us
just shaving at the edges of our fears
how craftily you played us

are you guilty now?
we see you hiding truth, transparent on our TV screen
falsehood cast among us
hope is now an insult, seeds of doubt abound
your fine words have mislead us

do you think us dumb
that we would never rise and drive aside
the demon you placed among us
watching our virgin land raped and bombed from within
have you taken to insanity

so pass the buck
turn your back, stick another band aid to pacify this generation
make those who protest look guilty
hide behind your misplaced charitable intent
who are you kidding?

what was your goal
as you stood before us, pretender with yet more crafted lies?
to win our devotion from past loyalty?
when a mere pathetic re-election is your \'12 pieces of silver\'
betrayal of our patriotic heart is the price we pay

you gave us the springtime of hope
we dwelled in ignorance thru the summer
autumn (fall) is over
now is the winter of our discontent