
Andrew\'s Aspirings - Twelve Disciples Series - 1

Tune: Dundee (Ravenscroft)

(\'O God of Bethel\')

John 1 v.35-42


Andrew did first his brother find

And in his mercy kind

Told him, Peter, that they had found

Messiah, joys abound


And so to Jesus he him brought

For Andrew Him had sought

Asked Him, \'Where is it you abide?\'

Where your presence reside?


Messiah He, Anointed One

Jesus, the Father\'s Son

Promised from old, through prophecy

In person they did see


So grant us grace others to bring

To you our Lord and King

That they too shall salvation know

And in your footsteps go


Christ, the Anointed, a title

Did the Scriptures them all

Fulfil. one chosen by God true

Came to save even you