Frank Prem

Tuesday Night at Emile\'s: and yet she looked so

a disaster


it was not her
he should have known


she had never seen him before
knew of no emile


thank you for the flowers
but I have to perform another set now
good luck finding your lady


she owned no red shoes


he knew as soon as she spoke
it could not be this one
the voice was not right


yet she looked so ...


he had been certain ...


so familiar ...


he must be going mad
pursuing a phantom
and for what


his life has become unrecognisable
a mess


his head aches
from the noise
of his thoughts


he has difficulty swallowing
through a lump that has formed
as though ready to


he feels somehow soiled
and cannot resist brushing
at imagined specks on his jacket


he must go home to wash
to think
this cannot go on


she was so familiar
he could have sworn ...


go home


stop being a fool

