


(c) 2018 Edward York


She was a picture of confidence,

That came with her success.

She took care how she carried herself,

And how that she would dress.


There was never any question,

No one had a doubt,

That she had all the answers,

And just had to let them out.


She seemed to gather strength,

When surrounded by the mob.

Where having the right answers,

Was just part of the job.


She has created an illusion,

And has learned to show that face;

That makes others believe in her,

And seems to calm the place.


Inside she may be crying,

But no one sees a tear.

Her mind is far too busy,

Just trying to calm her fear.


She keeps the illusion going,

Because that\'s what she\'s about.

She hopes that no one ever sees,

That inside she\'s full of doubt.