
I\'m not glass

You want to know my story,
But I\'m not glass,
You can\'t look through and read what i am.
Don\'t you think there\'s a reason for that.


You can\'t push me and pray I\'ll break,
I\'m not glass,
You can\'t make me break under the pressure.
I built myself stronger than that.


You hope one day my skin won\'t be so thick,
I\'m not glass,
You can\'t melt down and mold me they way you want.
I made myself thick so people like you couldn\'t break through.


You say my flaws will disappear with time,
I\'m not glass,
You can\'t wipe away my imperfections,
They were given to me for a reason.


You say i could be made into something beautiful,
I\'m not glass,
Stop trying to build me into your shelf,
I\'m not gonna be built like that.


Your starting to realize I\'m not gonna break for you,

Because your realizing I\'m not glass.
I won\'t let you break me,
Maybe that\'s why you left.