
Matthew Missioner - Twelve Disciples Series - 3

Tune: Galilee

(\'Jesus calls us o\'er the tumult\')

Matthew 9 v.9-13


Levi = Jewish name for Matthew


Matthew, tax-collector, despised

Jesus one day him espied

Gave call simple, \"Come, follow me\"

Be all God wants you to be


So he left his occupation

Though an ill-favoured station

Was it, though his fellows joined for

Sinners celebration sure


There indignant Pharisees they

Asked His disciples, did say

\"Why your Master eat with such ones

Who are sinners, as lost sons?\"


But Jesus to them did reply

They that be whole, by and by

Need not a physician, for they

Are self-righteous, whole, they say


\'Tis the sick who do realise

Need of Christ, faith does arise

Spiritual healing they need

Physician\'s orders they heed


Pharisees were to go and learn

God will have mercy, discern

They need to see, not sacrifice

Outward show will not suffice


But \'tis mercy needed, and so

Relationship they will know

From their inward hearts, in Christ grow

And His nature they shall show