
Tap tap tap motherfucker

She bites me with those fangs again while I stand and take it,

But now the venom seems to be gone.

I thought I had the antidote, in foil backed packs of thirty,

But now without it you seem so small, laughable that you could hurt me.

Is it like cowpox? That the bite of another species could grant me immunity...

Or is it just that I know you better.


Perhaps it\'s neither.


But every day seems easier

Not that you\'d be pleased to hear

I\'m managing to plod along

But maybe I\'m wrong...


I\'m facing all my darkest fears

And not being reduced to tears

Standing up for what I believe

Like power has been given to me


A power you once locked away

And made me suffer every day

Yeah maybe I still get the shakes

But I think I have what it takes


No, I know I can do this

Vaccinated from your toothy kiss

Again I\'ll fall and get back up

But now I know that I\'m not fucked


Nor am I fixed, I never will be

Though once I thought that you would kill me

It seems to be you\'re not all that 

I\'m not scared of your tap tap tap.