
James\' Judgement - Twelve Disciples Series - 4

Tune: St Stephen

(\'In Christ there is no east or west\')

Luke 9 v.51-56


James and John, they sons of thunder

Nicknamed by Jesus were

When passing through Samaria

Asked that they there well fare


But Samaritans they did not

Receive them, for their lot

Was that they Jerusalem went

For that was their intent


So shall we call down fire, they said

James, John, in their hatred

As did Elijah, days of old

Commanded that fire bold


But they were rebuked, Jesus turned

To them, of Him they learned

They knew not their spirit\'s manner

For wrong thoughts then did stir


For was explained, the Son of Man

Did not impose a ban

On any, came not to destroy

But to bring life and joy


He came to save men\'s lives, did He

And showed humility

Love to friends, even enemies

That all salvation see