
Chasing Life


The dark hold no secret;
Of the deepest recesses of a castle,
Bare of any indemnity she strode further,
Life;cold & raw
Sobs grew louder with the illusion of calming her thoughts
Beautiful not she laid claim to
Slow night, so Long
Hesitant jabs at her already faltered steps,
How much closure did she need?
To see how wide the stretch from reality was,
All things beautiful with broken traces,soul
Oh boy, she\'d wandered off the stretch,
Pliable mind,insatiable desire,
Tulips of the soul only with the heart that i can see,
Shutting off the play of destiny,
For the umpteenth time blaming her existence,
She was at the moment to feel the pain,
Muttering to herself how bold she thought she was,
What good has life bore?
A memory?
A feeling maybe
Everything born of life taken too young,
The moment replayed to
Or the life off her bare form.

What has life taken away too soon?
A memory?
A feeling maybe
Or the life off her bare form.