
Struggle to write right!

this poetic prologue  a feeble exercise 
to encapsulate common
place frustration 
experienced by 

this fledgling author. 
yukon determine verdict 
once ye peruse short 
spurious poem 
below decks 
will consume scant minutes.
hoop fully byte size 
format asper reflections 
bing hobbled akin twin 
frustrated cobbler 
with nary a sole 

to shoe healing power 
of summoning 
creativity words 
stitched together 
trying ma darnedest 
to capture 
fleeting idea.
filed within memory banks 
jagged shoals of rock
illusory images frieze 
leitmotif cerebral pad lock
forcing together mis
matched metaphors 
or what not ad hoc
there a young lad skipping 
with his lass in colorful frock
passing fanciful day dream 
lazing about on the dock
while hands of time tick 
on the clock
sober reality check tears me away 
from idyllic distractions
rearing head of immense 
frightful mental block
a bygone student of Antioch.
now an epilogue and expansion 
of given thesis sans above premise. 
i now oblige objective at hand, 
and resume con sue mating 
avant garde fashion express
sing difficulty for me 
to seal craft building blocks 
of english language in 
a fitting manner does justice, 

and gives liberty to leap
ping lizard like thoughts 
that dart to and fro 
hither and yon within my mind. 
rather than censor or edit, 
I pour out at rapid fire rate 
the notions that flit thru 

me noggin staring at black 
strunk white screen. some
times eyes remain closed 
to help initiate process 
to summon forth this, that 
or another barely 
perceptible concept. 
the task less difficult 
when topic provided 
happens to be the case 
with self imposed 
approximately five hun
dread word epistle, 
which preconceived 
subject automatically 

narrows focus into 
figurative box. 
when provided  
with specified issue, 
the effort arduous 
to gather plethora 
of disparate points 
indicating directions 
diatribe in question could shift. 

any one of these paths 
(if not most) take down  
moribund dead end 
with only infinite abyss 
as an escape. countless trials 
and errors find exploration 

(to state near physical exhaustion) 
where each bramble strewn route 
only finds this pensive fellow hopelessly 
and inextricably entangled within his 
own thicket of unprintable verbiage. 
would you believe and/
or accept, that ah aha 
eureka moment arises 
(and vacuum powerfully 
sucks up every ounce 
of concentration) 
most unexpectedly 
and inconveniently 

per on the toilet, 
when paragraphs 
nearly tumble pell mell 
of their accord 
(defying laws 
of physics) from 
tips of these fingers 
or bowels of this simian. 
a frantic attempt finds 
zealous effort to tap 
unstoppable barrage 
barreling forth 
from fount of mother
lode, than finds 
slightest distraction 
(such as a delivery 
of parcel, tornado, 
cosmic catastrophe, 
et cetera) to lose precious spider 
thin thread forever 
(at the eleventh hour)
lost along vast vista 
abandoned like useless 
obsolete materiel.

even upon minutes scrutinizing 
satisfactory completion 
sans lengthy manuscript, 
an unbiased opinion 
of displeasure frequently 
takes place finds disappoint
ment, and these myopic eyes 
blink and stare once again 
at white washed computer screen.