
Philip\'s Perusals - Twelve Disciples Series - 5

Tune: Winchester New

(\'Ride on, ride on, in majesty\')

John 6 v.1 - 13


Philip did learn to trust Christ more

In desert near Bethsaida sure

At feeding of five thousand plus

A natural commotion and fuss


Jesus asked Philip, \'Whence shall we

By bread for these, how shall it be?\'

Yet He said this to test him out

He knew what he would do, no doubt


Philip replied, natural answer

Two hundred pennyworth bread, sir

Shall not be enough,  not suffice

For all, it be enormous price


No, not over six months wages

Would feed the crowd of all ages

Though Andrew offered a boy\'s lunch

But it be scarce menial brunch


Jesus took the five loaves, two fish

Making an appetising dish

Gave thanks to God, distributed

To disciples, they by Him led


Led to share out among the crowd

All had more than enough endowed

For twelve baskets wrer there gathered

Of food fragments, and faith was stirred


Stirred in Philip, all present

Jesus\' miracles, no relent

By God\'s power impossible

Situations be fulfilled all


Grant us Lord, your power to see

Not rely on humanity

But grow in faith and confidence

Trusting your bounteous providence