QUIZ  is a WORD ~ I\'ve often lamented

Example of a WORD invented !

DARLY an Irish Theatre Promoter

Said he\'d introduce a NEW WORD to the quota 

 SO ~ all over town the word QUIZ he wrote down !

Everyone wondered \"WHAT THE WORD MEANT ?\"

So he fulfilled his stated intent

Don\'t look so forlorn ~ the word QUIZ was born !



Means revealing a trick ~ someone played.

Suckling Pigs were sold in a sack

But some traders tricked ~ brought shame to their trade !

Instead of a pig they put in a KITTEN

Which if revealed the Trader was smitten

If they used  a PUPPY their game too was up

Hence the expression \"TO BE SOLD A PUP\"


A  NINCOMPOOP  is a gullible Man

So you fool him whenever you can

A NINNY\'s an innocent ~ A POOP is a fool ~ so

A NINCOMPOOP  never learned nowt at School !


A DOZEN is TWELVE as we all know

But a BAKER\'s DOZEN (13) ONE extra does show

Why 13 not 12 ?  Into history we fled

Bakers were fined ~ selling underweight bread

To be safe they added an extra LOAF instead !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ love BRIAN


POETRY is WORDS # WORDS # WORDS so the origin of 

a WORD or EXPRESSION enables you to use it in context !

We all use the  word  QUIZ  but did we know its origin ?

A good QUIZ question and a good  SCRABBLE WORD

66 POINTS on a Triple Word square !  BRIAN XOXOX