
Your Voice

I heard your voice last night,

I prayed it was real,

But it was only just a dream.


Your voice told me to speak my problems,

But i knew you didn\'t have that long,

So i kept it short.


I told you how life was going pretty good,

I\'m pushing through,

And getting what needs done, done.


Your voice told me i was lying,

I fought and said it was true,

But we both knew you seen right through my lies.


Life wasn\'t going good, 

Because college was tearing me apart,

And my depression is getting to me bad.


I am pushing through,

But it\'s destroying me little by little,

Soon there might not be anything left.


Im struggling to get done what needs done,

I feel sleep deprived with no motivation,

My mind races with thoughts of me failing.


Your voice knew my struggles,

Your voice knew it was the only thing that could help,

Maybe that\'s why you came to my dream tonight.


Your voice told me to hold on for just a little longer,

That I\'m gonna see in the future it\'ll be worth,

Youll only have to push through for a little longer.


Your voice gave me reassurance that I\'m doing good,

You knew i needed your voice and that\'s why you came,

If only it wasn\'t just a dream and i could hear your voice for real.