StrayBray Jaramillo

Dream Walker

Sunday night
Alamo city
I walk along ancient
Architecture of passion and fiesta

White fire
Feather light crescent
Below moons eye patch

Can I share my peace with anyone?

Aztecan totem poles
Mexican heroes
Sacred hearts still beat to
Creations drums

Hypnotized to a mosaic pond
Living things in the water
One side struggles
The other is calm

Unity with division
Humanities reflection
I see myself

Can I share my peace with anyone?

I hold my friends hand
A guitar case handle
Pull her out and begin to

Music and city circulate like
One blood
While I sit still

Like a patient swimmer
The city
Breathes one note at a time
Rises to breathe again

I return to my room
The city has its music

Can I share my peace with anyone?