naga5000 naga5000

Did not

I didn\'t

You always said you love me.

I did say it back,

I always did.

So that I could manipulate myself

Into believing that I do love you.

Despite knowing deep that I don\'t.


Days and Nights,

I spent with you as much as I could.

I tried to feel your love.

I tried to gave it back.


But I just don\'t feel it.

The more I try to convince myself 

That I have the same feeling with you,

The more you said that you love me,

The more I recognize that I don\'t.


It just didn\'t work for me.

For you.

For us.


I want to end all of this.

But I don\'t know how.


Despite the fact that I don\'t love you

I still thinking about

How you will live

After I leave


Because you said that I\'m your happiness.

Cheesy,I know.

Cringe? Maybe.


I won\'t live in a lie,

Yet I do live in it.


I coax myself that what I did is a white lie.

White lie isn\'t harmful,is it?

I just want to make him happy.


Perhaps,it leads the wrong way.


I\'m sorry.

I didn\'t mean it.

I didn\'t mean to hurt you.

I didn\'t mean it everytime when I say \'I love you too\'.